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Understanding Form 2 – Engineer Certificates in Real Estate Projects

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  • Understanding Form 2 – Engineer Certificates in Real Estate Projects
GILT-EDGE - A leading firm specialized in RERA services

In the realm of real estate development, various administrative and regulatory processes ensure transparency and accountability. One such crucial document is the Engineer Certificate, which plays a pivotal role in updating project details quarterly on the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) portal. This blog post aims to shed light on the significance of Engineer Certificates, their contents, and the process of obtaining them.

What is an Engineer Certificate?
An Engineer Certificate is a formal document uploaded onto the RERA portal to update project details quarterly. It provides comprehensive information regarding the cost of construction of a project. This certificate is a mandatory requirement in the real estate industry to maintain transparency and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

Contents of Engineer Certificate:
The Engineer Certificate encompasses vital information essential for project evaluation and monitoring. It includes:

  1. Sanctioning Authority: This section outlines the authority responsible for approving the project.
  2. Total Estimated Cost: It sums up the estimated costs from both Table A and Table B.
  3. Estimated Cost Incurred Till Date: This figure represents the total costs incurred on the project up to the reporting date.
  4. Balance Cost of Completion: It signifies the remaining amount required to complete the project, calculated as the difference between the total estimated cost and the cost incurred till date.

Tables A and B:

  • Table A: This table delineates the estimated cost of constructing buildings, wings, or plots within the project.
  • Table B: Here, the estimated costs of internal and external development works, including project facilities, are detailed.

Issuance Requirements:
The Engineer Certificate must be issued on the engineer’s official letterhead and bear the engineer’s signature and stamp. Additionally, the promoter’s signature and stamp with the latest date are requisite for authenticity.

Video Explanation:
For a more visual understanding of Engineer Certificates, please watch the accompanying video guide.

Engineer Certificates serve as crucial documents in real estate projects, facilitating transparency and compliance with regulatory standards. Understanding their contents and the issuance process is imperative for developers, regulators, and other stakeholders involved in the real estate sector.